The weather is warm and your thoughts are probably on suntans, beaches, and BBQs, but in truth, now is the perfect time of year to have your chimney checked by professional chimney sweeps. We know the chimney is the last thing you are worried about right now, but that is exactly why you should have it cleaned and checked this time of year. No one else is thinking about their chimney either, meaning there is virtually no wait to have a visit and inspection. So what are the best reasons to have your chimney checked now?
- Don’t wait until you need to use it. Many people wait until cold weather sets in, and they try to start up the fire. If you wait until the fall not only could you run into some potential problems and have to go without your fireplace, but there could also be a substantial wait for someone to be able to come to your home.
- Summer discounts. It makes sense that summer is a slow time for the chimney sweep industry. So, it stands to reason that warm weather discounts are probably offered to drum up business. Check into a professional chimney sweep during the summer months, and you are practically guaranteed a better rate than during prime chimney season.
- What’s living in there? You may not even realize that you could have unwanted guests living in your chimney. Your chimney provides a great spot for birds to build nests or rodents to set up residence. Feeling a little uncomfortable about small animals living with you? Call for a chimney inspection and give yourself some peace of mind.
Chimney Master Dallas is happy to serve all of your chimney repair, sweeping, maintenance and inspection needs. Get ahead of the game and call Chimney Master today.